etrailer | Feature Breakdown: Camco RV Folding Sewer Hose Support w/ Strap Kit

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Full transcript:
Today we are going to review part number CAM40351. This is the Camco RV folding sewer hose support with a strap kit. This is a six foot long hose support which will help keep your RV sewer hose off the ground and away from any abrasive surfaces. This will help prevent your hose from getting stepped on or developing pin holes from lying on the ground. As you can see it has a nice a nice slope design for proper drainage of the hose. It is made of a very lightweight aluminum construction. The rivets are a solid brass which will help resist rust and as you can see it will fold to six inches for compact storage. Now it does include the strap kit with the six clips to hold the straps which will hold the hose in place on this support.

The clips are a durable chrome plated steel and the straps are a UV stabilize vinyl material. The set up and storage of this product will take seconds. It does provide stability over the most uneven terrain as you can see you can twist it to whatever you need your hose direction to go to. It does come with a lifetime warranty and just to give you an idea I do happen to have an example of a . now this is designed to work with a three inch sewer hose, I have an example of this here. As you can see you would just lay your hose across your support just like that and then basically what you would do is you take two of these clips and just hook your strap to that and then these clips will just snap on to these legs right here and the strap will just go across here and help hold your hose in three different spots. That should do it for the review on part number CAM40351, the Camco RV folding sewer hose support with the strap kit. .


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