Bess, You is My Woman Now -Sereno Trio

Описание к видео Bess, You is My Woman Now -Sereno Trio

Sereno Trio 鋼琴三重奏

小提琴|陳逸群 I-Chun Chen
大提琴|謝曼琳 Sissi Hsieh
鋼 琴|簡韻玲 Valerie Chien


“Bess You Is My Woman Now”

採自美國作曲家蓋希文(George Gershwin)的歌劇《波吉與貝絲》

作曲:George Gershwin
作詞:Ira Gershwin, DuBose Heyward

Bess, you is my woman now,
you is, you is!
An' you mus' laugh an' sing an' dance
for two instead of one.
Want no wrinkle on yo' brow,
Because de sorrow of de past is all done done
Oh, Bess, my Bess!
Porgy, I's yo' woman now,
I is, I is!
An' I ain't never goin' nowhere 'less you shares de fun.
Dere's no wrinkle on my brow,
But I ain't goin'! You hear me sayin',
If you ain' goin', wid you I'm stayin'!
Porgy, I's yo' woman now!
I's yours forever -
Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'
summer time an' winter time.
Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'
summer time an' winter time.
Bess, you got yo' man.
Bess, you is my woman now and forever.*
Dis life is jes' begun,
Bess, we two is one
Now an' forever.
Oh, bess, don't min' dose women.
You got yo' Porgy.
I knows you means it,
I seen it in yo' eyes, Bess.
We'll go swingin'
Through de years a-singin'.
Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'
summer time an' winter time.
Mornin' time an' evenin' time an'
summer time an' winter time.
Oh, my Porgy, my man, Porgy.
Porgy: simultaneously My bess, my Bess.
Bess: From dis minute I'm tellin' you, I keep dis vow: Porgy, I's yo'
woman now.
Porgy: simultaneously
From dis minute I'm tellin' you, I keep dis vow:
Oh, my Bessie, we's happy now. We is one now.
*Sung as Bess repeats her part from 'Porgy, I's yo' woman now...'
through 'I's yours forever -


2024.8.13 於臺大癌醫義演之現場錄影


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