Back at it in Hardcore Bedrock MINING | 🎃 October Halloween Challenge 🎃(II)

Описание к видео Back at it in Hardcore Bedrock MINING | 🎃 October Halloween Challenge 🎃(II)

I will be taking on a new challenge in Minecraft, which includes me being on Hardcore mode, on Bedrock Preview. Along with Hardcore I will also have access to the new bundles and Minecraft's trade rebalancing. Lastly to make this challenge even harder I can only get iron armor and tools. In addition I am trying to reach 10 hrs (or 20 episodes) before Halloween! Subscribe, like, and comment!!! Thx Zacon :)

[Seed: HALLOWEEN - 1308056621]

#minecrafthardcore #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecrafthalloween


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