Willow Weaving Techniques | Slewing

Описание к видео Willow Weaving Techniques | Slewing

Slewing is the willow weaving technique of working two or more rods together one above the other, before and behind alternate stakes.Slewing is worked continuously round and round the sides of basket, and an odd number of stakes is necessary. Two-rod slewing is begun with a single rod in the same way as for randing, and when this rod has been worked for half its length, a second rod is laid in above it, and the two worked together. When the lower rod runs out, its top is left on the outside of the basket, and a third butt is laid in above the other rod,between the same two stakes, to make up the two again. In a similar way a fourth butt is laid in when the second runs out, and so on. Three-rod slewing is begun in the same way, but a second butt is added when about one-third of the first rod has been worked, and a third rod when about two-thirds of the first has been worked. This gives the three rods, and the number is maintained by adding a butt above the others when a top finishes below.


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