Inside Amazon’s $2.5 Billion Dollar Headquarters

Описание к видео Inside Amazon’s $2.5 Billion Dollar Headquarters

Welcome back, Richest fans! In just a few years’ time, Amazon will be fully opening the doors on their brand-new second headquarters in Virginia. Jeff Bezos’s ever expanding e-commerce site’s new offices will be known as HQ2. Rather than be just a bunch of office towers, HQ2 will be focussing on being sustainable by being powered from renewable energy. On top of this, the project is going to cost a lot of money. Today, we’re going to look at all the facts and figures of HQ2. Such as the different sections being created, the much talked about Helix structure, the history of the project, and the various fees along the way.

Now for the spoiler paragraph. If you like surprises, we suggest you stop reading and watch the video multiple times. We kick-off by looking at where exactly HQ2 is being built and the cost of the project altogether. We then take a deep dive into PennPlace. This is one of the key areas of the project. We’ll discover the features and how sustainable it’ll be. We’ll then explore the Helix and see what it is exactly. Next is examining how the plans for a new headquarters were put together via a competition of proposals sent in by cities across North America. However, even though New York City was selected as one of the winners, Amazon had to pull out due to the public backlash. We’ll then see another important cog in the HQ2 machine. The creation of Metropolitan Park. Finally, we’ll briefly explore one of the most expensive building projects in the world, the Željava Air Base.

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Written by: Jordy McKen
Narrated by: Adam Newmark
Edited by: Vitalii V.

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00:00 Intro
00:39 Amazon HQ2
01:12 PennPlace
03:10 The Helix
04:06 Project History
06:15 Constructing HQ2


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