The Most Unhinged Way To Beat Zanmu (Touhou 19 Lunatic)

Описание к видео The Most Unhinged Way To Beat Zanmu (Touhou 19 Lunatic)

Video of another clear I did, hopefully it better illustrates my gameplan compared to my previous one. My strategy was to force the game to scale immensely by having Zanmu detonate Orin's spirits, then obliterating every boss that spawns with spirit explosion chains resulting in a positive feedback loop of sending ceilings against each other. I call it unhinged but this strat might lead to a win-condition Orin has against Zanmu in PvP, not against AI Zanmu though. It's way too inconsistent against the AI because they can just choose not to send stuff over with inhuman dodging and Zanmu's AI just doesn't spam their skill enough as a result.

Orin in this game is a glass cannon. Orin really sucks defensively: her shot does too little damage, her scope barely protects her, and her skill has a bug that sometimes causes her to take damage when she uses it while above half the screen. However, Orin's counter-offence with her scope and skill, and her ability to start huge chains to force the game to scale quickly is second-to-none, and combined with how suffocating her EX is, her bad defense simply stops mattering once her offense ramps up and the opponent can't really stop it since Orin gets going really really fast. Once Orin scales the game enough, her skill and scope allow her to instantly kill bosses using explosion chains with no resource cost (and good timing will even let Orin recharge her barrier) while the opponent is forced to bomb or use a clearing ability whenever Orin throws out an undodgeable ceiling from killing a boss. When they inevitably bomb or use a bullet clearing skill, they send another boss that Orin can just one-shot and the situation repeats and gets worse for the opponent until they run out of bombs or their bullet clearing skill stops being enough to handle it. So in PvP, Orin just completely steamrolls every character not named Reimu, Zanmu, and Chiyari. That said, Orin actually holds her own really well against Reimu, and Orin might have a win-condition against Zanmu that I can't test because the netplay is too garbage, so maybe only Chiyari is the issue.


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