The Jesus Dynasty--Why the Royal Family of Jesus was Forgotten

Описание к видео The Jesus Dynasty--Why the Royal Family of Jesus was Forgotten

Few think of Jesus of Nazareth as part of the royal family of David--even though Paul affirms the same as our earliest source--namely that he was descended from the messianic lineage of King David (Romans 1:3). Given that pedigree, that means Jesus' brothers and sisters, as children of Mary, which I have argued elsewhere, would likewise be this royal family. Thus when James/Yaaqov, brother of Jesus, succeeds him in leading the Nazarene movement--we are talking about a Dynasty or Caliphate with bloodline succession. This lecture deals with that issue and why the emerging Christian Church was so bent on either playing down or in some cases erasing this dynastic family of Jesus. Hence the title of my best-selling book, The Jesus Dynasty (Simon & Schuster, 2006), which I hope viewers will consider reading:

This lecture is part of a Biblical Archaeology Seminar hosted by the Biblical Archaeology Society. I highly recommend their magazine, programs, seminars, and especially membership in the BAS Library--that contains thousands of previous articles, books, videos, and other materials for a very low subscription price. See


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