Porsche Interior Leather Saddlery Production Factory

Описание к видео Porsche Interior Leather Saddlery Production Factory

A high quality interior is a firm element of any Porsche. So the sports car manufacturer allows itself something that many other car manufacturers abandoned long ago: its own saddlery.

Based on all the possible variations, there are more than 80,000 possible combinations, just for the doors alone.

Despite the many possible variations: dark colours, especially black, are by far the most popular: "Almost 50 percent of the customers choose this".

No matter how simple or extravagant customer needs may be: the steps are the same. The leather arrives from the tanneries in a building across from the saddlery. The leather has already been dyed at that time. What is missing is the right cut. To do this, employees scan the hides and examine them for flaws such as cracks. Based on this information, a worker at the computer individually decides what individual parts are to be cut from the hide. A machine then takes over the cutting process using a water jet. Incidentally, the left-over leather does not go into the trash, but is re-sold to belt or wallet manufacturers.

In the saddlery itself, the pre-cut pieces of leather are then sewn or glued into the individual covers. Even if the employees there produce in the same order as the colleagues in final assembly: there is no assembly line there. Instead, there is a so-called laminating workspace for each component, where a saddler joins together the support structure and the leather.

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