All About Castile Soap + Tips for Bastille Soap | Bramble Berry

Описание к видео All About Castile Soap + Tips for Bastille Soap | Bramble Berry

Castile soap is a popular traditional soap that is renowned for its gentleness on the skin. Simply put, castile soap is cold process soap made with 100% olive oil. While the term ‘Castile’ has evolved through the years to sometimes include small amounts of other oils, the most traditional of Castile soaps still use only olive oil as the main ingredient.

In order to experience castile soap at its very best, it needs a long cure time. Peak lathering ability develops over a full year of cure time. Although castile soap is ready to use within 4 to 6 weeks like any cold-process soap, the lather might be a little dense and slimy for several months.

Read more about Castile soap:

Ready to make your own Castile soap? Our Classic Castile Soap Project is a great way to get started.

Classic Castile Soap Recipe:

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