【初見でGO! day-222】Cássia Eller - O Segundo Sol(第二の太陽)【MPB, Bass Cover】

Описание к видео 【初見でGO! day-222】Cássia Eller - O Segundo Sol(第二の太陽)【MPB, Bass Cover】

ブラジルの歌手Cássia Eller(カシア・エレール)さんが1999年にリリースしたアルバム『Com Você... Meu Mundo Ficaria Completo』(日本語訳:あなたがいれば...私の世界は完成するでしょう)から、『O Segundo Sol』(第二の太陽)

MPBの歌手の中でもロック寄りの立ち位置のCássia Ellerさんが、「より穏やかなアルバム」という方針で制作したという、彼女の最後のスタジオ・アルバムです。2001年12月29日、39歳で亡くなりました。


優美音響Duncan Jazz Bass Type "Legend"
Crazy Tube Circuits Bulb (Compresser)
Two Notes Torpedo C.A.B (Speaker Cabinet Simulator)
G2_Systems R.D.I (D.I.)
ORB J7-Phone Pro ケーブル
動画撮影と録音にはYAMAHA AG03 MK2とiPhone 13 Proを使用しました。

Cássia Eller - O Segundo Sol

Brazilian singer Cássia Eller released "O Segundo Sol" from her 1999 album "Com Você... Meu Mundo Ficaria Completo".

Cássia Eller, who stands closer to rock among MPB singers, produced this, her last studio album, with the policy of “a more serene album". She died on December 29, 2001, at age 39.
The sound is folky and melancholy, but it is also bold and strong moving forward.
This song has a normal rock beat, but for some reason I hear 2-3 claves in the background (I think).

While following the original song, I played it with an improvised bass line, one shot recorded, no redo if I messed up.
Please listen and see the result!

<Equipments used>
Duncan Jazz Bass Type “Legend” by Yubi Acoustics
Crazy Tube Circuits Bulb (Compresser)
Two Notes Torpedo C.A.B (Speaker Cabinet Simulator)
G2_Systems R.D.I (D.I.)
ORB J7-Phone Pro Cable
Silver wire shielded cable of unknown manufacturer
YAMAHA AG03 MK2 and iPhone 13 Pro were used for video shooting and recording.

<Music used in this project>
Cássia Eller - O Segundo Sol


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