Anti-Stress Effect (Morphic Field)

Описание к видео Anti-Stress Effect (Morphic Field)

Stress can lead to a host of health issues, affecting the immune system, metabolic health, impacting sleep quality, raising stress hormones such as cortisol which keep us in that flight or fight mode. It isn't the ideal state to be in and yet modern society is largely stress inducing.

Using various methods and approaches, the focused energy in this field works to reduce both mental and physical stress.

1. Keeps Dopamine and Serotonin at optimal levels for well-being. Keeps the serotoninergic and dopaminergic systems working in an optimal healthy state.

2. Lowers cortisol and optimally desensitizes glucocorticoid receptors. This can have an additional benefit of helping lean out the mid-section.

3. Optimal Oxytocin Increase

Oxytocin is a neuropeptide normally produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It can induce anti-stress-like effects such as reduction of blood pressure and cortisol levels. It increases pain thresholds, exerts an anxiolytic-like effect and stimulates various types of positive social interaction.

4. Healing Amygdala With Stem Cell Energy

The field works to completely heal vmPFC which inhibits amygdala activity properly to the extent of fearlessness. It works to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate the amygdala bringing it back to an optimal healthy state. The field always works to make it nearly impossible to experience an amygdala hijack. It also OPTIMALLY lowers amygdala activity and reactivity in general.

5. Simulates a sizeable dose of Ashwagandha – a natural adaptogen with stress relieving and cortisol reducing properties of its own. It also influences GABA, serotonin and the HPA axis positively.

6. Mild Melatonin Dosing/Secretion via Pineal Gland:

Some studies have shown that the incredible antioxidant Melatonin positively influences mood, improves quality of life while reducing anxiety related symptoms. Melatonin Acts as an Antidepressant by Inhibition of the Acid Sphingomyelinase/Ceramide System.

7. Allopregnanolone

Allopregnanolone is a naturally occurring neurosteroid -- shown to have protective effects against depression. It has a positive influence on GABA receptors. Both men and women need optimally high levels of Allopregnanolone in the brain to feel right !

This field safely increases Allopregnanolone in the brain to optimally high levels. It should help a wide range of people with stress or depression related symptoms.


The endocannabinoid signaling system is one of the key regulators of the stress response and promotes return of the HPA axis to non-stressed levels. It also directly inhibits stress-associated processes such as fear, anxiety, depressive behaviors, inflammation, and hyperalgesia etc.

This field helps optimize the endocannabinoid signaling system in the listener. It also simulates a moderate dose of CBD Oil.

9. Reduce Beta Waves and Increase Alpha Brain Waves

Regular meditation has been shown to increase alpha waves while reducing beta waves which are the brain waves of active thought and learning.

Unlike beta brainwaves, which tend to be associated with a state of arousal or activity in the brain, alpha waves tends to be associated with more of a quiet, calm, creative and reflective internal state. Alpha waves are recommended for reducing stress.

10. Optimal inhibition of Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH) (elevated in trauma and even releases a trauma “pheromone”)

11. Healing, Regeneration and Optimal Functioning of the Hippocampus and Neocortex.

Listen 5-7 min per session
1 to 3 sessions a day
Or use as and when needed
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