Luthien's Lullaby [Lay of Leithian Musical | English Version] The Silmarillion Animatic (Unfinished)

Описание к видео Luthien's Lullaby [Lay of Leithian Musical | English Version] The Silmarillion Animatic (Unfinished)

So! I actually didn't want to leave this unfinished/discontinued. However, the program I'm working with (Krita) keeps crashing. It's not really the program's fault, since its meant for digital painting and this is a detailed animatic...

But it does mean I can't continue working on it due to lag, constant stress of losing my work even when I save constantly, and waiting for the program to reset after crashing.

Maybe I'll come back to this, try and finish it up... but for now I hope you guys can still enjoy it. I wasn't going to post this but then Malina was kind enough to send me a ko-fi (thank you! It was my first one) and reminded me of these so...thank you Malina, even though it's not completed your support inspired me to try and work on it a bit more, so I hope you enjoy.

Thank you all for your support in comments or ko-fi's. Here's the link for those interested:

Now I shall be hunting for an alternate program for animations/animatics.


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