Sonic CD 2011 (360) - Time Travel + Signpost + Time Over/Game Over = ?

Описание к видео Sonic CD 2011 (360) - Time Travel + Signpost + Time Over/Game Over = ?

Experiments are as follows:

I. Time Over (really late) (Time Over would appear if I died sooner, I can affirm that)
II. Game Over (not as late)
III. Special Stage + Game Over + using a file as opposed to Stage Select
IV. Game Over with a start of 0 lives (as Tails, you can only do this with a saved file - when you game over, you revert to Sonic with 0 lives if you use Stage Select right after, since the properties of the last file you used still carry over - so reverting to Tails with a nonzero life file will take the properties of that instead, overwriting 0 lives)
V. Pressing the A button after gaming over, but before act clear (the least surprising one)


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