WarioWare: Get it Together! - Nintendo Classics (9-Volt) - 100+ Points (All Crew)

Описание к видео WarioWare: Get it Together! - Nintendo Classics (9-Volt) - 100+ Points (All Crew)

Best stage in the game? Possibly. And that's good since for some reason I tend not to like 9-Volt stages in previous games. I guess seeing the over-reliance on retro games gets tiring after a while. This one has a great variety and seeing different play methods applied to them is really something.

Wasn't any lag problems until the 105 boss stage. Luckily Mona isn't that bad at it but if I had a worse character it could have really been an issue.

I would say 9-Volt has a decent level of challenge across his microgames, outside of the last batch being all completely free. Some troubling microgames include the Luigi's Mansion one, which can be pretty annoying with a slow character as you get way less time to make mistakes. The Ice Climbers one seems really annoying; I have no idea how the icicles work, sometimes one spawns straight after another. It never happened on this run but is has in the past, I don't really get how they work.

Spinner one is pretty annoying if you don't have a character who can instantly tap to stop the spinner (or better yet, you get Kat who sometimes isn't in line with the spinner when you need her to be which is obviously wonderful). Then there's that weird Conga one which I think is a candidate for the hardest microgame in the entire game. Ashley I think is a pretty strong character for it and even though I played fairly decently, it still wasn't enough to secure a win. I feel like what they expect from you is really unreasonable. I have no idea how you are supposed to do that efficiently with like half the cast, it's ridiculous.

As for the run itself, I think it was really strong throughout most of it. I sorta blew it really hard after 90, especially with Penny. That loss really hurt bc idk what I was even doing. The game seemed nice to me after that though, so that's cool. Compared to Dribble, it was pretty clean, though, so I can't complain too much there.

This actually came not too long after getting a 94 on Anything Goes (given 95 is the boss stage, it would have been a very likely 100+ assuming I beat it). I really wanna take that stage down as well, but it's a tricky one.


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