Windows of Inner Awareness: The dance of psychology and spirituality - Podcast with Yuming

Описание к видео Windows of Inner Awareness: The dance of psychology and spirituality - Podcast with Yuming

In this episode, are joined by my dear friend Yuming who has been exploring the interweavings of mindfulness and spiritual practice with trauma and somatic healing for some time. We bring her into the studio for a wonderful discussion about the psychology, physiology and spirituality.

I share my personal journey, including the turning points that shifted my perception from a victim mentality to a healing mindset. We talk about the compulsive behaviors that arise from addiction, whether it’s to substances, validation, or even thinking. I also touch on the physiological similarities between substance abuse and relationship addiction, highlighting the importance of addressing the underlying pain. We also discuss the concept of anxiety and how it relates to our unknown futures, emphasizing the importance of loving ourselves unconditionally.

We delve into the nuances of addiction, discussing how simply staying away from the addictive substance or behavior isn’t always the solution. Instead, we need to understand the pain driving the addiction. We share insights from Gabor Maté and Ram Dass, who emphasize the importance of addressing the pain beneath the addiction and recognizing our inherent wisdom and perfection.

Finally, we explore the concept of euphoria and how it can be a sign of dysregulation. I share my experiences with clients who have a history of substance abuse and validation addiction, and how understanding these compulsions can lead to healing. Please join as we navigate these complex topics and strive for a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationships.

#Relationships #Addiction #HealingJourney #SelfLove #Anxiety #CompulsiveBehaviors #GaborMaté #RamDass #Euphoria #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth


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