Denmark - Copenhagen - Rundetårn - The Round Tower

Описание к видео Denmark - Copenhagen - Rundetårn - The Round Tower

The Round Tower

King Frederik II and Tycho Brahe
King Frederik II (1534-1588 -- ruled Denmark and Norway 1559 - 1588) was the first Danish King, who became interested in astronomy due to the scientific work of Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) - a famous Danish nobleman and astronomer, who developed the "Tychonian" system - which was a complicated astrological model of the solar system. King Frederik II was very impressed with the many important observations and results conducted by Tycho Brahe - that he granted the funding to establish two observatories on the island of Hven - which was situated in the Sound between Sweden and Denmark. The new observatories was built around 1576-1580 and named Uraniborg and Stjerneborg - and the first of its type in Denmark. The new astrological research institute was equipped with a laboratory for astrological experiments and many expensive astronomical instruments for precise measurements of the universal system.


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