A Magical Space Story for Sleep: A Visit to The Cosmic Café

Описание к видео A Magical Space Story for Sleep: A Visit to The Cosmic Café

Tonight, we'll dive into the abyss of space, as we venture back to the cosmos. This evening, we set our course for the mesmerizing rings of Saturn, where the Cosmic Café awaits us: An establishment not just celebrated for its galactic delicacies but also for its unparalleled views of the universe's wonders... 😴

Join me on a peaceful exploration through the stars, where we'll indulge in the beauty of Saturn and the company of its interstellar visitors. From the moment your journey begins, allow the coziness of your surroundings to envelop you, as we drift through the galaxy, leaving the Earth's atmosphere behind. Feel the embrace of the void, as the calm of space offers a unique solace found nowhere else.

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:40 - Relaxation
00:09:11 - Sleep Story
00:46:13 - Sounds & Music

Website: https://stephendaltonvo.com
Sleep Story Playlist:    • Sleep Stories for Grown Ups  

The Cosmic Café: A Journey Through Space – Original Story Script, Narration, Music, and Sound Design by Stephen Dalton – All rights are reserved to the Stephen Dalton Meditation & Sleep Channel (2024).


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