Diving Komodo 4K MY Adelaar

Описание к видео Diving Komodo 4K MY Adelaar

Diver's heaven on Earth. Most colorfull and vibrant reefs, second to none. We had a great trip on board of the Adelaar, highly recommended. https://adelaar-cruises.com
Many thanks to Foued, who made this trip with his knowledge and dedication for diving unforgetable. Filmed with Panasonic GH4 7-14mm and 12-35mm in Sealux housing.

Eines der weltbesten Tauchgebiete, unglaublich farbenprächtig und vor Leben berstend. Vielen Dank an Foued und dem Team der Adelaar, die diesen Trip ganz besonders machten. Absolut empfehlenswert!


Gefilmt mit Panasonic GH4 im Sealux Gehäuse


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