ITN SOP Demonstration: PBMC Isolation from peripheral blood using SepMate tubes

Описание к видео ITN SOP Demonstration: PBMC Isolation from peripheral blood using SepMate tubes

In this video, Dr. Laura Cooney, Lead Biologist for the Immune Tolerance Network, demonstrates the procedure for isolating PBMCs from peripheral blood using SepMate tubes. This demonstration is meant to accompany, not replace, the fully detailed written SOP. Study personnel must be trained and authorized by the site Principal Investigator to perform this procedure.

Timestamped sections follow:
00:49 - Part 1: Prepare SepMate tubes and blood
03:18 - Part 2: Separate PBMCs
07:26 - Part 3: Wash and combine PBMCs
12:40 - Part 4: Aliquot and freeze PBMCs


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