Paramore Mess Ups

Описание к видео Paramore Mess Ups

Its funny, teenage me with my love for wattpad was smart enough to list every single clip I used for this video and this one alone. Came full circle cause I needed it today. I don't even remember making it, I just found it in my story drafts. This video was the only one the youtube deleted from me a couple years ago cause ONE guy striked me for a 15 second clip. Y'all see how long this video is. I was heated. Instead of yt letting me take the clip out, they deleted the whole thing. It's taken me until now to want to redo it.

PSA: If you're a creative and your vids keep getting striked and taken down, USE DISCLAIMERS!! VERY IIMPORTANT!!! Once I started putting them in my videos, I haven't had any problems. Hope I didn't just jinx myself but it helps.

You can say it's for fair use in the strike dispute but it's not going to matter to yt because it's not shown in your video. People go to court over stuff like this so you need legal evidence and not word of mouth. So use those disclaimers. It's just so the owner's of the original vids know you're not trying to make money off them.


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