🔵240918 수🔵What if We Were Indeed Living in a Simulation? (1)

Описание к видео 🔵240918 수🔵What if We Were Indeed Living in a Simulation? (1)

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What if We Were Indeed Living in a Simulation? (1)

♡ 핵심 표현
hear + of 명사 : ~를 듣다 ※23.04.07 핵심표현
》단순히 뭔가의 발생이나 존재를 알게 되었다는 말임
뭔가에 대한 자세한 사항을 들어 보았다고 할 땐 보통 of 대신 about 사용
I have never heard of that name.
Have you heard of Easy Writing?
I have heard of it, but I don't know how it works.

♡ 핵심 단어
massive 거대한
fascinating 엄청 흥미로운
spine-tingling 등골이 오싹오싹한
the whole world 온 세상 (= the entire world)
experiment 실험
puppet 꼭두각시
glitch 작은 실험
from now on 이제부터 ( now 대신 today 등으로 응용가능)

♡ 주요 표현
1. 형용사1 and 형용사2 + at the same time : (형용사1)하면서 (형용사2)하기도 한
》두 가지 면을 다 가지고 있다는 의미로 사용함
※ at the same time : 동시에 - 24.02.13 핵심표현
Seriana is cool and weird at the same time.
Mayu is sentimental amd tough at the same time.

2. overthink 명사 : ~를 과하게 생각하다
》이 경우에는 about 을 넣지 않음
예) overthink something
Jenna tends to overthink every decision she makes.
Don't overthink the situation.
※ tend to 동사원형 : ~하는 경향이 있다 - 24.06.26 핵심표현

3. look out + for 명사 : ~를 잘 보고 있다
》벌어질 수도 있는 것을 주시한다는 뜻임
Look out for any discounts.
Look out for zombies.

♡ 어순 영작
Have you heard of Simulation Theory? They say our reality is a masssive computer game!
( theory 이론 )

I know! It's fascinating and spine-tingling at the same time!

The whole world could be someone else's experiment, and we're just their puppets!
( could be ~일 수도 있다 ※23.03.28 주요표현 )

I think you're overthinking it, but yeah, it sure sounds interesting.
( sure(ly) 확실히 )

I'm goint to start looking out for glitches from now on!
※ from now on - 23.09.27 주요표현

☆ 이런! 느낌
Look out for zombies, kids. Do you see any?


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