How to avoid climate change REALLY FAST

Описание к видео How to avoid climate change REALLY FAST

This is NOT ANOTHER typical video about climate change. Dare to see it and it'll never be the same for you. Full video in Spanish:    • Cómo evitar el Cambio Climático MUY R...  

Climate change is a global challenge that has no borders and to combat it requires coordinated work by all countries. Many people do not know what it really amounts to, either due to unreliable sources or deliberate misinformation, which has led to a series of myths about climate change. In this video we tackle the subject from an objective, scientific viewpoint, discussing the causes and consequences of climate change and how it should be tackled.

A trip from Antarctica to Black Mirror with stunning images from NASA, the United Nations, US Navy, World Meteorological Organization,, The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), NotimexTV, IOM - UN Migration, US Army, The European Commission, Conservation International, Cuasar TV, 92 News HD, Straightstreet Productions, Phantom 3 Professional Drone Footage, Bob McCallan, kidkornfilms, kurdishblogger, Dynamic Effects Canada, ReelNews, GreenLeftTV,, Klasyk Films, Enes Umcu, VOA News, Civil Disturbia, Innit, AE Productions, DockLight Productions, Footage Island, Gareth Richardson Media, Fred Margulies, Elevated Media, The Disaster Freak.

With the awesome voice of Steve Galache. In the video you can hear sounds recorded by users of Freesound hanvannispen, snakebarney, timgormly, bareform, pakasit21, yugi16dm, m4taior, masgame, macdaddyno, corsica-s, rutgermuller, robinhood76, juskiddink, a-pickles, timbre, loljames, cognito-perceptu, hantorio, mhtaylor6, cobwebjoe, setuniman, soundslikewillem, freemaster2, sinatra314, qubodup, shastrocks, castle81, klankbeeld, jim-ph, bone666138, exsomniel, ueffects, planman, qubodup, motion-s, werra, vollkornbrot, draganov89, freakinbehemoth, zerolagtime, markb258, alienxxx, kwahmah-02, greekirish, iut-paris8, kwahmah-02, piulapiu, sevin7, dynajinn, blouhond, inchadney, kamilnaidoo23, greatmganga, thegreatrazz, beerre, konstantinusz, newagesoup, mixtus, montclairguy, georgisound, redafs, sterferny, deleted-user-7146007, x235, themaggotr, hz37, yin-yang-jake007, uzbazur. The author of Ursula K. Le Guin's picture is The Nerd Patrol. The delicate cover of Jurassic Park is from Amadeone




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