Warcraft 3: Revenge of Mal'Ganis 04 - The Destruction of Dalaran

Описание к видео Warcraft 3: Revenge of Mal'Ganis 04 - The Destruction of Dalaran

Playlist:    • Warcraft 3: Revenge of Mal'Ganis (Cus...  

Revenge of Mal'Ganis is a custom campaign for Warcraft 3 attempting to fit into existing Warcraft 3 canon. After his defeat at the hands of Arthas Menethil in Northrend, Mal'Ganis, who was the jailer of the Lich King, felt betrayed by both his dreadlord brethren and the dark lord of the undead. He plots to enact his ultimate revenge upon Arthas who is now the Lich King's champion.

Download it here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/...


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