精致的凤梨酥 | Taiwanese Pineapple Cake Tarts (Pineapple Cookies)

Описание к видео 精致的凤梨酥 | Taiwanese Pineapple Cake Tarts (Pineapple Cookies)


As a kid, the so-called Taiwanese Pineapple Tarts and Cookies I had were actually filled with pineapple flavored gourd fillings (yuck!). Now that I know better, let me show you how to make the real thing!

凤梨去皮,黑色的籽也得去掉 中间的硬芯去掉 Peel carefully, make sure to remove the seeds (and the hard parts as well)!
切成小细丝 Slice into thin slices
静置一小时 Let it sit for an hour
戴着手套挤一些凤梨汁出来(不用非常用力,只需要挤部分出来)Put on gloves and juice slightly (just a bit)
挤出来的凤梨汁直接喝吧 Feel free to have the pineapple juice

1.凤梨馅 Taiwanese pineapple filling

切碎的凤梨果肉Chopped Taiwanese pineapple 1500g
玉米糖浆Corn syrup 160g
枫糖浆 Maple syrup 30g
糖135克 Sugar 135g
盐1.9克 Salt 1.9g
黄油30克 Butter 30g

所有材料加一起,大火煮开 Mix all ingredients, boil on high
汤汁煮干之后开中小火翻炒 Stir on medium once liquid evaporates
炒至抱团、琥珀色状态 Stir until sticky, with amber coloring

冷却后冷藏一小时,这时候馅料会变硬一些 Once cooled, place in fridge for 1 hr to harden filling
分割成14克一个,搓成小圆球 Break into nubs and form into ball (14g each)

2.曲奇饼皮 Tart crust

黄油 Butter 190g
糖粉Icing sugar 54g 盐Salt 1g
全蛋 Whole egg 37g
蛋糕粉Cake flour 278g
椰子粉Coconut powder 40g
奶粉Milk Powder 40g

黄油没有软化足够,可以在微波炉加热约50秒 Microwave for 50 secs if butter still hard
打发黄油 Beat butter until fluffy
混合糖粉,盐 Mix icing sugar, salt
混合蛋液 Mix liquid eggs
混合椰子粉和奶粉 Mix coconut powder, milk powder
筛入蛋糕粉,用刮刀拌匀或者手抓匀(抓匀的时候不可以揉)Sift cake flour onto mix, mix with scraper or hands (don’t knead if using hands)
直到变成这样细腻柔软的状态 Mix until this texture is reached

面团分割成19克一个 Break dough into nubs (19g each)
包馅料 Fill with filling
模具刷一些面粉,倒出多余的粉 Sprinkle cookie mold with flour, remove extra flour
面团压成长条形,为了更加贴合模具 Stretch dough balls slightly to fit mold better
压模 Press into desired shape

Spray with water, bake on 170 C (338 F) for 12 mins to lock in shape
取出刷上蛋黄液 Remove, gloss with liquid egg
继续170度烤7-8分钟 烤到上色 Continue baking at same temperature for 7-8 minutes

冷却后食用,曲奇皮酥脆,凤梨馅酸甜,非常好吃 Cool before serving, the tart crust should be crunchy, the filling should taste sweet and sour, an amazing combo!

密封常温保存一周。Seal to store for a week at room temperature.
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