ARC Yorkshire & Humber Lunch & Learn 10.01.2024 Sarah Ahern - Logic Models

Описание к видео ARC Yorkshire & Humber Lunch & Learn 10.01.2024 Sarah Ahern - Logic Models

Are you developing a new project, programme or policy that you hope will bring about real change? Or looking to evaluate an existing project but not sure where to start?

Theories of change are a valuable and practical tool to plan and describe how you will achieve your goals and, alongside logic models, provide a strong foundation for evaluation.

This session will offer an introduction to both Theories of Change and Logic Models, their key ingredients, and how they can be used together to support the development of robust plans for evaluation for complex interventions.

Sara is the Programme Manager of the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub, a centre for evaluation for the Better Start Bradford programme hosted by Born in Bradford. Sara has seven years’ experience of evaluating community-based projects and interventions and delivering training to community and public sector partners.


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