Realistic 450 BCE slavery medical exam but Greeks used snakes | Real history, real doctor, ASMR

Описание к видео Realistic 450 BCE slavery medical exam but Greeks used snakes | Real history, real doctor, ASMR

HEY! YOU! YOU WHO READS THIS! There's a hidden bonus video for people who read! Free but never public: You choose between cozy rainy-day scifi and a realistic mental health exam. Both will give you real health tips I can almost guarantee you haven't heard, and the scifi one might help your sleep with the mysterious tech of the sound-producing mask. Enter the portal, traveler! That's where the adventures happen beyond the control of our anarchic dictator Al Gorithm.

In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy your realistic Epidaurus doula physical exam, complete with ancient magnet rubbing and laying on of hands for binaural and visual triggers. It's dramatic, heartfelt personal attention and struggle over a backdrop of whispering, soft-spoken ASMR, and water sounds. I'm a physician with a history degree from the top-ranked program in the US, so citations matter to me, and you'll find them at the end of the video. If you like my storytelling skills, and want to keep in touch with me, I can email you neat goodies (and secret downloads) at That way we can stay in touch if my YT disappears.

IF YOU GET ADS AT THE END OF THIS VIDEO (YT IS TRYING TO KILL ASMR BY TAKING AWAY CREATORS' CHOICE FOR WHERE ADS GO): Watch this video ad-free for free at Or become a patron, and I'll straight up let you download it:

The views in the video aren't necessarily mine; you may have noticed by now I try to capture little-heard perspectives in history, like the position of mixed race people in Meiji Japan (   • A Realistic MEIJI JAPAN Medical Exam ...   ) or aboard a pirate ship (   • A Realistic 1725 Pirate Medical Exam ...   ), or the unusual existentialism of Joan of Arc's "voices" (   • ASMR You're Joan of Arc, I'm her ange...   ). I haven't seen anything in YT POV RPs that quite matches the evidence or hidden stories I love, so I'm trying to make it myself. Aiming for something like Goodnight Moon or FredsVoiceASMR but for history, medicine, and creative mental health science/scifi, with a touch of that PowerofSound improv.

***Mental health: IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE FINDING OR AFFORDING PROFESSIONAL HELP, check for help with your local health department or! If you don't qualify for those, I can get you 10 percent off teletherapy at BH's cheaper than insurance and supports the channel with a commission if you use my link. But try OPC first. Ask for someone skilled in a MANUALIZED, RCT-PROVEN technique like CBT, DBT, CPT, or WET. For now:

-- Phone number for self-unaliving helpline US: 1-800-273-8255
-- Crisis text line: Text HOME to 741741 in US; Text 686868 in Canada
-- International unaliving numbers:
-- Victor Frankl’s logotherapy book helped me find meaning in my depression:
-- This DBT Workbook by Matthew McKay helped me survive strong suicidal emotions:
-- Pregnancy decision line - emotional/physical support for unintended pregnancy 866-799-0338

I really hope these resources help; they're evidence-based and they helped me. If they don't help you, go find some that do. Your life matters.

***Jen Finelli is a world-traveling scifi author who's gone swimming with sharks, escaped being locked in a German nunnery, discovered murals and poetry in underground urban caves, explored jungles and coral deserts, and cradled the dying. She is coping with life as an MD by telling you stories, and when she grows up she wants to be a superhero.

Science fiction:
Upcoming film:
Twitter: @petr3pan

Jen is not your therapist. While Jen is a real doctor, she is not YOUR doctor; nothing here is official medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, because she has not personally examined YOU. Her medical license is publicly searchable (Virginia 0101265916). In accordance with anti-Kickback statutes, Jen does not refer her official patients to ANYONE from whom she receives a commission (that includes BetterHelp).

Product links are not sponsors unless otherwise stated, but some may be affiliates, which means clicking them supports new creations and charity projects. Jen only affiliates with products she believes in. Do not send her medical "cures" without an RCT (preferably a meta-analysis).

#asmr #history #cinematic

Keywords: binaural, real, ASMR, relaxing video, relaxing voice, sleep, tingles, inspiration, real doctor, physical exam, full physical exam, historical asmr, history


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