10 Brilliant But Underrated Slasher Killer Villains - Unsettling Backstories Explored

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Slasher films are a subgenre of horror that have gained a cult following like none other over the years. Having peaked in the late 70s and early 80s due to real-life influences of serial killings, murders and bizarre crimes that started taking place in the US. The formula of catharsis is something very commonly used in these films as the villains mostly have past trauma built up that they let out by murdering others around them. Many film critics site films like Hitchcock’s Psycho as some of the earliest influences of the subgenre, however, that film now majorly categorizes under psychological thriller.

Some of our favorite and most well-known villains from slasher films include Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise, Freddy Kreuger from A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Chucky from Child’s Play and Ghostface from Scream series. Many of them were the genius of filmmakers that have been able to make their mark today solely because of these killers, but almost all of them have some or the other aspect that were inspired by real killers. People’s fascination with violence and murder has been around for longer than we can imagine. Starting with ancient torture methods to famous murderers like Jack the Ripper, the act of murder, no matter how brutal may evoke fear and sadness in most people, but certainly touches upon most people’s curiosity as well.
Today, we set aside the famous killers from slasher films that made us fall in love with the subgenre and take a closer look at those that did not get the limelight they deserved.


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