Heavy Metallurgy Presents: Episode

Описание к видео Heavy Metallurgy Presents: Episode

While all heavy metal genres pay homage to their originators, black metal is especially fervent in its worship of those who laid the unholy groundwork upon which the black altar was forged. This incessant acquiescence to the scenes’ forebears is best summarized by the title of NARGAROTH’s 2000 demo ‘F#ck off nowadays black metal’, which has become a creed to some corpsepainted acolytes.

But while remembering where one has come from has value, looking constantly backwards makes us stumble; we miss what is happening around us as we become blind to where we are headed. Simon and Eric join the show neither to shout-out the primordial poundings of the 1980s First Wave bands nor to hail the harbingers of the 1990s second blackened wave, but instead to highlight the hosts who have taken hold since 2000, for they are the future. In other words… ‘f#ck yeah nowadays black metal’!

Eric (High Defamation TV):
   / @highdeftv  

Simon (Explosive Action):
   / @explosiveaction  

Heavy Metallurgy Merch:

HM Logo by Rick Contreras:
   / @thedreadfulminutes  


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