Hang gliding: the landing that could have killed me…

Описание к видео Hang gliding: the landing that could have killed me…

During final approach I keep wrestling to stay on course. I know upfront it is going to be tricky; already at 0:15 you can hear me on the radio, saying: ‘Turbulence. Turbulence.’
Strong turbulence and wind gusts keep throwing me up, down and mostly leftward.
After some struggling I’m on course, prepare for landing and on 0:31 I get in upright position; ready to flare. But unpredictable winds at 0:47 deviate me off course and force me to return to the bottom bar.
At 1:04 I’m back at final approach and return to vertical.
Then at 1:07 I get yanked up and to the left. Immediately I instinctively turn to plan B - which is a belly landing.
First thing I do (1:08) is to grab the bottom bar, go back to prone position and dive to pick up a heep of speed. Then I level the glider and when touching the ground (at 1:13) I flare by hollowing my back and streching both arms upwards. Notice that the thumbs of both my hands are over and not under the bottom bar so they don’t break in case of a collision or sudden stop.
I land safe and smoothly - though a little shaken.
My reassuring joker friend says at 1:17 ‘No problem. Just a little turbulence. Very well done.’ But this was a close one and any other reaction of mine could have resulted in serious injury or death.
Always beware of spring turbulence. Try and keep your skills and knowledge up to par with your reaction speed and muscle memory.
Stay safe and see you at cloud base 🤙🏻


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