meditate with me this morning.

Описание к видео meditate with me this morning.

When I was growing up I was watching the two people who were raising me also grow up. Becoming mature themselves along with me. This didn’t occur to me until I got older and realized they don't know everything. Like when they would do things that hurt my feelings it always felt like ouch how could they do that. And its because they don't know any better, there just being themselves. In reality were all just learning how to be human and what it means to connect to other people. If we take that as a pursuit, I mean there's a lot of things in life that people let their time be preoccupied with but in reality is it fulfilling you, like are the activities that we are doing is it generating a feeling of happiness. Alot of the times i am trying to be happy but i always have this feeling of not being normal following me around, and i know no one is necessarily “normal” so i guess it just about being myself. And doing activities that bring a sense of fulfillment to my life. I Dont Know, Life is weird and i Feel like iv been put here to teach the world about spirituality, like i feel that at the core of my soul, and iv always thought of philosophy as something sought after like it would be sweet to get into it, but then again sometimes the idea of philosophy feel lonely but maybe im not doing it right. Or maybe i am doing it right and it's all that I am, here laying in the sands I know who I am let me call you a friend cause that's how this ends in the end.

The idea of craving is wanting to be somewhere else but here. Its an attentional focus of the mind on an object outside of oneself. In reality everything is inside us. We just have to find it.

Focusing on the breath is how we calm the nerves, everything we experience in life is from how we have been conditioned emotionally, we have experiences and when we experience trauma is causes a sort of hyperfocus on what every it is that were experiencing and we become identified with the Mind and the story that the ego is creating and we experience suffering through that story, When we get tired of the mind and the story the ego creates we look for remedies things that heal the soul.

I have always been looking for inspiration my whole life because I feel like this is the highest form of intelligence, Things that will bring you closer to Truth, I didnt really understand or know the point or direction of life, im still figuring that out day by day. Self love is a key concept. But also is faith, conviction in the unseen of reality. Its weird growing up in life because i take most things people tell me as true because i want them to understand i can see where they are coming from, and most of the time i can. But if you are coming from a place of hate I Cant get behind that, hate is dislike for no reason. And to me that's ignorance, lack of knowledge or information, Because in reality If your truly Knew yourself you cant hate its not in the blood, The Blood of Self Sacrifice, if you truly love your willing to sacrifice your feeling of hate for the feeling of love because it is a lighter more abundant feeling in general. -
The writing after my meditation


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