Owner Builder Series. Episode 1. My Home Town!

Описание к видео Owner Builder Series. Episode 1. My Home Town!

#myhometown #ownerbuilder #diyforknuckleheads
http://diyforknuckleheads.com G’day Knuckleheads. This is the introduction video to my Owner Builder Series. In this video l quickly give you a quick little tour of where l live which explains why l love the place so much. I hope you enjoy it. Coming up is Episode 2 where l go through the process of getting my Owner Builder Permit., so l hope you can stick around and see how l go.

Before l go on...

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Don’t Miss Out on ALL the other Good Stuff!
Click on the Link below for the Playlist containing all the Videos in My Owner Builder Series.
   • Permits and the Owner Builder Course....  

Music supplied by Jason Shaw at www.audionautix.com
Released under Creative Commons License 3.0.
Music Title: Banjo Short

Have a great day and l’ll see you again real soon. ☺

Uncle Knackers


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