Doctrine of Discovery | A Violation of Natural Law

Описание к видео Doctrine of Discovery | A Violation of Natural Law

The Doctrine of Discovery is a controversial principle rooted in historical legal and political frameworks. #doctrineofdiscovery #naturallaw #nativeindian #indigenouslivesmatter #nativetribes2025 #nativeindian2025 #indiantribes2025 #indigenous2025

It originated with papal bulls issued in the 15th century, such as Dum Diversas (1452) and Inter Caetera (1493), which granted Christian explorers the right to claim lands they "discovered" on behalf of their monarchs.

These documents provided religious and legal justification for European colonial powers to seize territories inhabited by Indigenous peoples, often disregarding their sovereignty and humanity.

Why it is considered "Unlawful" and "Inhumane":

Violation of Natural Law:
The doctrine ignored the natural rights of Indigenous peoples to self-determination, land ownership, and cultural autonomy, which are principles aligned with lawful (not legal) human rights.

Colonial Justification for Exploitation:
It provided a foundation for enslavement, genocide, and the forced assimilation of Indigenous peoples under the guise of spreading Christianity and "civilization." These actions contradict fundamental principles of humanity and justice.

Invalid Contracts and Deception:
By claiming Indigenous lands through fraudulent treaties.

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