20240304 - SOLID principles for app architecture in Business Central

Описание к видео 20240304 - SOLID principles for app architecture in Business Central

Everyone is producing their Extensions/Apps and we are mostly driven by our intuition when to create new app or use existing one. In many cases it leads to "dependency hell". It is time to bring some rules into this process.
We will look into the SOLID principles and patterns, which could help you to create good architecture of your solution.

Architecture is responsibility of whole team, not only of the architect or developers. Everyone in the company should understand the target of the architecture you are going to use and the income of using it.

Presenter: Kamil Sacek
Moderator: Luc van Vugt

00:04:18 - Introduction Kamil
00:04:42 - Agenda
00:05:13 - What is better?
00:08:31 - What is architecture?
00:11:44 - SOLID
-- 00:12:46 - SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
-- 00:19:53 - OCP (Open-Closed Principle)
-- 00:26:45 - LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle)
-- 00:31:07 - ISP (Interface Segregation Principle)
-- 00:35:57 - DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle)
00:39:56 - Refactoring Monolith - applying SOLID
00:44:02 - Wrong or correct?
00:45:45 - Q & A

* Kamil's blog: https://blog.kine.cz/ (on SaLi architecture)


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