Managing winter sheep & cattle parasites: liver fluke, worms & more

Описание к видео Managing winter sheep & cattle parasites: liver fluke, worms & more

Despite the sudden drop in temperature, Ben explains that he is still observing random cases of liver fluke in sheep. He emphasises the importance of continuing blood monitoring in lambs to help determine the optimal time to treat them, as failing to do so could have serious consequences for sheep health. Ben also notes that the cold weather has slowed the reinfection rate for worms following treatment. Additionally, Ben discusses the impact of cattle parasites, such as lungworm in calves around housing time. He highlights key timings for lungworm treatment and stresses the importance of avoiding sudden changes in diet, as well as maintaining good ventilation for calf and cow health during the housing period.
#sheep #lambs #cattle #calves #animals #animalhealth #postmortemreport

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