Electro-Harmonix C9 Organ Machine Guitar Pedal Review by Don Carr

Описание к видео Electro-Harmonix C9 Organ Machine Guitar Pedal Review by Don Carr

Get the EHX C9 Organ Machine here: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detai...

The Electro-Harmonix C9 Organ Machine can transform the sound of your guitar into nine different iconic organ and keyboard sounds! Related to EHX's B9, the C9 expands the tonal palette, offering four classic tone wheel organs, three transistor organs, a Mellotron, and something called Shimmer that needs to be heard.

Your dry guitar sound can be balanced with the C9 sounds via the two top-mounted knobs. Modulation and key click, which are part of the tone wheel organ's sound, can be controlled with the Mod and Click knobs. Those knobs have different, cool functions with the non-tone-wheel sounds.

The C9 plugs-in like any other pedal; no special cables or pickups needed. You can have both the C9 and your guitar signal coming out of a single output or their own, individual outputs.

Fatten your guitar sound, cover an organ part, play dueling or unison lines with guitar and organ, all with excellent note tracking and ease-of-use, that's the C9 Organ Machine.

Thanks for watching! Don Carr


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