丙型肝炎可致肝癌 及早檢測及早醫治 Hepatitis C can cause liver cancer. Get tested and treated early

Описание к видео 丙型肝炎可致肝癌 及早檢測及早醫治 Hepatitis C can cause liver cancer. Get tested and treated early

【丙型肝炎可致肝癌 及早檢測及早醫治】


✳️ 《2020–2024年香港病毒性肝炎行動計劃》    • 2020 – 2024年香港病毒性肝炎行動計劃  
✳️ 控制病毒性肝炎辦公室網頁 https://www.hepatitis.gov.hk

【Hepatitis C can cause liver cancer. Get tested and treated early】

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is most commonly transmitted through contact with blood. Around 70% of people infected with HCV will develop chronic hepatitis, which may lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Blood test is required to diagnose hepatitis C, and over 90% of HCV infection can be cured by taking direct-acting antivirals. People at higher risk of HCV infection, such as people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, should get tested and treated earlier.

For details, please refer to:
✳️ Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020 – 2024    • Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan...  
✳️ Website of Viral Hepatitis Control Office https://www.hepatitis.gov.hk


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