ZHero - Raining Blood 100% FC

Описание к видео ZHero - Raining Blood 100% FC

Slayer - Raining Blood
Source: Guitar Hero III

My best FC on this engine right now, I can believe but at the same time I can't believe I got this.

This is the hardest song in the entire Hard category, and holy, it IS hard, so hard that I actually got this FC this year, back in February, not in December 2023 like some of the other FCs, and I was wordless when I got it, even on an engine like this, this still felt very difficult and sometimes inconsistent.

The parts where I would restart a lot were... almost anything past the Hard Rain section, where you see the triple green strums.

01:07 - 01:09 Mosh 1, more specifically, the transition from Hard Rain to this section, I would often miss the transition because I had to move my strumming hand to the frets pretty fast so I can tap, and most of the time I would miss because I did it so fast that I put them in not exactly the correct position.

01:23 - 01:25 Yet another transition that I would often miss, from Mosh 1 to Verse, going from tapping to fast strumming in that small amount of time felt pretty difficult back then.

01:24 - 01:42 And the Verse itself, this part felt very inconsistent sometimes, I would regularly miss the RY, BO and YO chords (01:26), sometimes I would strum way too fast, sometimes pretty slow.

01:42 - 02:01 And Mosh 2, the hardest part for me was the YBYRY mini-zigzag (01:47).

02:23 - 02:51 The Bridge and the Chorus, for these parts, since I play on a typing keyboard, I decided to do something for these sections that I'll call... space-bar strumming, you know elbow strumming is? Well, this is pretty similar. In fact, in the Bridge, you'll see that in notes where there's only a green note, I strum along with fretting the red button, because... it works better, I'm starting to get tired of explaining all of this... at the Chorus, if you notice, I drop the green for some milliseconds, this is because I would often miss on the chords if I held it, probably because my finger was used to be on the green for the whole bridge, and the rest... well, remember the whole space-bar strumming thing, that's why I always drop the highest fret of every chord.

02:50 - 03:20 Flood! So Flood... remember when I said the transition from Mosh 1 to the Verse made me miss a lot? Well, same case here, going from the Chorus's chords to Flood's fast strumming simply felt difficult, and even when I got the transition right, I would sometimes miss the strumming because of doing it too fast, but even after that, there was still trouble ahead.
For example, the 02:55 trill which that little ascending, I often missed there.
Oh, and 03:00 - 03:02, that part was hell until I decided to spam the Y and B frets after strumming that Y after the RY trill.
The rest... not much issue, so let's go ahead to 03:15 - 03:20.
Even with a practice chart of those trills, I had a few chokes on there, mostly because of nerves.

And... that's probably it, way too much text for a song like this on a engine like this, probably ridiculous too, so I don't blame if you just went here.

But anyway, this FC just left TTFaF, OGaP, TDWDTG and S4 as the remaining songs, I don't see myself FC'ing S4 AT ALL even in this engine, plus the Murderous Solo B would probably be ridiculous.
TDWDTG... how I can strum too fast with a keyboard? Even with a 5th strum input, it probably won't be enough.


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