Georg Gottlob - Knowledge Processing, Logic, and the Future of AI - World Logic Day 2021

Описание к видео Georg Gottlob - Knowledge Processing, Logic, and the Future of AI - World Logic Day 2021

Prof. Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford, TU Wien) gave the first Vienna Logic Day Lecture on the occasion of the World Logic Day 2021. The event was part of the campaign organized by the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) representing six research groups at the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology).

Alongside the Georg Gottlob´s lecture the VCLA celebrated the World Logic Day 2021 on a digital hub featuring testimonials of renowned logicians gathered specifically for this occasion. The event was moderated by the VCLA chairs, Prof. Agata Ciabattoni and Prof. Stefan Szeider.

Nowadays, when people speak about AI, they usually mean machine learning. Machine learning, in particular, deep learning, is a powerful method for generating a type of knowledge that could be classified as self-learned knowledge. We humans, on the other hand, make heavy use of two types of knowledge: (i) self-learned knowledge and (ii) transferable knowledge learned or generated by others.If you read this and/or attend the talk, this is mainly because of this second type of knowledge. In this talk, Georg Gottlob will argue that the combination of both types of knowledge is needed for more powerful and fair automated decision making or decision support, and thus for the next level of AI. He will discuss various requirements for reasoning formalisms towards this purpose. After discussing logical languages for knowledge representation and reasoning, he will briefly introduce the VADALOG system developed at Oxford and give an outlook on his recent project RAISON DATA funded by the Royal Society.



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