Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana on the First Secret

Описание к видео Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana on the First Secret

In this video we share Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana on the First Secret.

"It will take some time. We will see, we need to shake the world a little.

This will make the world stop and think. "Besides Vitska , who said that her first secret was related to the Medjugorje church, Mirjana was the only seer who alluded to what will happen when the secrets of the Medjugorje apparitions begin to happen.

On October 26, 1985, Mirjana gave the clearest interview about the beginning of 10 Secrets.

The day before, the Virgin Mary showed her the visible consequences of the first secret.

The interview from 1985 is a very important document, because the vision was fresh and clear in Mirjana's memory and because the interview was conducted by Father Petar Ljubičić, then already chosen as a priest to reveal secrets to the world.

Mirjana said that the first secret "will not be a pleasant thing".

It will be "something that people will hear about for a long time. "

"The first secret will stimulate much conversation about itself" and therefore will not need much explanation to precede it.

The people of Medjugorje will "immediately know that it is related to secrets".

There will be something, said Father Petar Ljubičić, "that everyone, everywhere, will immediately hear".

But that does not mean that people will flock to the place where the first secret just happened, said Mirjana: "Surely no one wants to see disasters, anxiety and bad luck.

I don't think that kind of thing attracts people at all.

Why should people go and see such things?

It will be one thing to see a sign, another to see suffering or disaster.

Who, for example, would go to Italy to see the demolition of a dam?

The first secret will encourage people to think about God.

On October 25, 1985, Mirjana saw the first secrets as images projected on slides: "This shook me more than anything else.

This, of course, was due to seeing the first secret.

If people saw the first secret, as I was shown yesterday, everyone would surely be shocked enough to look at themselves and everything around them in a completely new way.

Now I know things that are not particularly pleasant.

I believe that if everyone knew the same things, each of these people would be shocked and look at our world in a completely different light, " Mirjana told Father Petar Ljubičić the day after the vision.

"It will take some time.

We will see, the world needs to be shaken up a bit.

This will make the world stop and think. "

During the 1985 interview, Father Petar Ljubičić also asked Mirjana if anyone could say that the event of the first secret is simply a natural phenomenon.

Answering, Mirjana also spoke about her second secret: "Perhaps some convinced unbelievers could say something similar after the first and second, " answered Mirjana.

Despite her descriptions, the first two secrets will not be disasters in the literal sense, the seer revealed: “It will not be anything as big as what will follow.

These first two secrets are not so serious and difficult. What I mean is, yes, they are serious, but not as serious as the others.

In 1985, as today, Mirjana invited people to prepare for the beginning of the secrets.

The permanent sign of the third secret will remain on the apparition hill, Podbrehdoh, where the statue of Our Lady is located.

Mirjana told Father Petar Ljubičić: "The Blessed Virgin told me that it is necessary to pray a lot until the first secret is revealed.

But, apart from that, it is necessary to sacrifice as much as possible, help others as much as we can and fast, especially now before the first secret.

She said that we are obliged to prepare".

"She not only asks but asks everyone to convert, to pray, to fast.

[Those who don't believe] They have no idea what awaits them and that's why, like their mother, she is very sad for them; said Mirjana, thinking of people who don't believe, so they live life without God. "

"Just praying is not enough.

It is not enough simply and quickly to say a few prayers in order to be able to say that we have prayed and done our duty.

What she wants from us is to pray from the bottom of our soul, it is a dialogue with God.

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