Should we make people vote?

Описание к видео Should we make people vote?

Voter turnout in the United States tends to hover around 60 percent in presidential election years, and 40 percent in midterm election years. But in other countries like Australia, Belgium and Argentina, voter turnout routinely exceeds 85%. The reason is that these countries require their citizens to participate in elections, levying a small fine if they do not. Should the United States adopt such a policy? A recent report published by the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and The Brookings Institution makes the case that it should.

"Lift Every Voice: The Urgency of Universal Civic Duty Voting," argues that compulsory participation in U.S. elections would lead to more representative, legitimate and responsive governance. The report was written by the Universal Voting Working Group, a panel of scholars, experts and elected officials convened by the Ash Center and the Brookings Institution.

You can read the report at

You can also find out more about mandatory voting here:

For more about the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, visit

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