XPath Axes in Selenium WebDriver used to locate the web elements which is not having any attributes on it's own and can't locate it directly using any of the locator strategy(id, name, class etc.,) which selenium WebDriver provides. In such cases we can use XPath Axes methods or functions to locate the current WebElement based on other WebElement present in the HTML Document. We can use any one or all of the XPath Axes names/methods/functions to locate any WebElement on given web page. In this tutorial we will learn how to use XPath Axes methods ancestor and ancestor-or-self with sample.
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======== All XPath Axes Names/Methods ========
1. self
2. parent
3. child
4. ancestor
5. ancestor-or-self
6. descendant
7. descendant-or-self
8. preceding
9. preceding-sibling
10. following
11. following-sibling
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~~~~ Thanks For Watching ~~~~
#XPathAxes #ancestor #ancestor-or-self #basics #self #parent #child #descendant #descendantorself #preceding #precedingsibling #following #followingsibling #SeleniumWebdriver
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