Flosstube #1 WIP Parade!!!

Описание к видео Flosstube #1 WIP Parade!!!

Welcome to my first, very rough, flosstube episode! This is a channel mostly about my cross-stitch projects. I'll try to get better at linking stuff, but feel free to ask if you want to know what something is. If I don't rip the bandaid off and just post this thing, I never will!

Instagram: @wendymerganser
Email: [email protected]

Flosstube channels mentioned in this episode:

Andrew ‪@therunnerstitcher‬
Emily C ‪@emilyc325‬
Pam and Steph ‪@JustKeepStitchin‬
Sheri ‪@ColoradoCrossStitcher‬
Cathy ‪@HandsOnDesign‬
Brenda ‪@Handworkmaniac‬
Cameron ‪@camthestitcher‬
Liz ‪@HelloFromLizMathews‬


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