Fumée | John Galik | Score Video

Описание к видео Fumée | John Galik | Score Video

"Fumée", a composition inspired by Solage's poem Fumeux fume par fumée, explores the interplay between human expression and the smoky atmospheres described by Solage. This piece unfolds in three distinct sections, each weaving a narrative that is at once introspective and evocative. Solage was a 14th-century composer and poet, and was known for his groundbreaking contributions to the Ars subtilior movement, a musical style characterized by its intricate rhythms, complex notation, and richly layered compositions. One of his most famous works, Fumeux fume par fumee, exemplifies the esoteric and enigmatic nature of this musical era. This composition is most distinctive by its poetic innovation. Solage's poetry is intentionally cryptic, using wordplay and ambiguity to create a sense of mystery. The title itself, translating to "The smoky one smokes because of smoke," is a clever play on words, inviting multiple interpretations. This piece opens with an exploration of extended instrumental techniques, where the musicians employ their instruments to conjure the imagery of crackling flames. The resulting sounds intermingle and converge, creating phrases and a vivid sonic tapestry reminiscent of the complex patterns and unpredictable movements of fire. Fragments of melodies emerge from these unconventional effects, hinting at a latent narrative explored in later sections. The piece moves into its second section, characterized by a more minimalist texture. Here, the music navigates between two tonal centers, maintaining a delicate balance between the remnants of the previous fiery textures and a newly rhythmic atmosphere. At the climax of the section is a hummed chord, climaxing the human nature of performance that was first exemplified by the intimate sounds of the opening. This chord serves as a pivotal moment into the final section. The composition's third section fuses the preceding elements. A plain, mesmerizing arpeggiation passes between the instruments, creating a sense of constant ascent, much like smoke rising into the air. The timbres become less pure while the bass clarinet introduces multiphonics that punctuate the musical landscape with an otherworldly quality, reminding us of the original effects from Section I—the unifying thread of the entire composition. As the piece draws to a close, the rising pitch mirrors the upward trajectory of dissipating smoke, and the once tangible textures give way to the intangible.

Premiered Oct. 22, 2023


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