What Do These Buttons DO?! - Searching for More Secrets! - Hello Neighbor Alpha 4 Secrets

Описание к видео What Do These Buttons DO?! - Searching for More Secrets! - Hello Neighbor Alpha 4 Secrets

Welcome back to Hello Neighbor Alpha 4! In this Hello Neighbor Alpha 4 video, we take a look at the secret door and find our way into the Hello Neighbor Basement! ►Watch the Hello Neighbor Alpha 4 Playlist: http://bit.ly/HelloNeighborA4
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Hello Neighbor Gameplay Overview:

Hello Neighbor is a stealth game about sneaking into your neighbor's house to figure out what horrible secrets he's hiding in the basement. You play against an advanced AI that learns from your every move. Really enjoying climbing through that backyard window? Expect a bear trap there. Sneaking through the front door? There'll be cameras there soon. Trying to escape? The Neighbor will find a shortcut and catch you.

Suspenseful horror gameplay (not jump scares) that focuses on sneaking around your neighbor's house
Constantly evolving experience where the Neighbor's AI counters your moves, and learns from what you do
Sandbox-style gameplay with plenty of environmental interaction and physics

Hello Neighbor is coming in Summer 2017. More information will be released soon.

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Check out Hello Neighbor on Steam - http://store.steampowered.com/app/521...

Check out the Hello Neighbor Trailer -    • Hello Neighbor Announcement Trailer  

Sign up for the Hello Neighbor Free pre-alpha - http://www.helloneighborgame.com/

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