Gold [TYS]

Описание к видео Gold [TYS]

(Round 1)
Watch in HD 720p

Well, I don't know what it is with me and gold stuff editing, but to be honest I enjoyed the theme a lot.

Firstly, I picked a different symbol, but then I realized that it wouldn't be the thing I want and expect.
So, I moved to my lovely theme. Gold.

That's a kind of a tradition now.Me making gold video for TYS again:D
But now it's not about color, it's about metal and element and everything it could possibly symbolize.
I wanted to show it like this, because it's kinda confortable for eyes to catch the main idea (through texts and definitions) and then watch the main symbolic meaning of it.

Editing sucks a lot here (I know right), but hope you enjoy it anyway!


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