Path 2.5 (Saturn Lord And Master Of Time) Subliminal Energetic Tool

Описание к видео Path 2.5 (Saturn Lord And Master Of Time) Subliminal Energetic Tool

I've seen a lot of discussions about which occultist is the most powerful, which one has the best results, and which ones are the safest. I hope this message reaches those who need it: the occult is dangerous.

Exploring the occult is not for the weak-minded. It’s like walking down a road of chaos, unlocking the deepest aspects of this world, your spirit, your mind, and your emotions. It involves letting go of all the boundaries you currently reside within, then taking that chaos, reorganizing it, and consciously recreating your reality.

Another important truth is that unless you delve into the depths of the occult yourself and work with its most raw energies, it will be very hard to truly gain the genuine power of this work. If you rely on my work or anyone else's, you run the risk of being under their control. You might gain power, but it will be under those who will have power over you as you progress. This is how Masonic orders gain power: the one with the most authority over an occult system holds the root of the power within the system itself.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Many systems and structures in our world are built on these principles, and they create our reality. Every idea, belief, and element of our world is the result of an order maintained by powerful groups.

However, it is my duty to tell the truth. You are either a leader or a follower; you either submit or lead. You will always submit to something to some degree. The question then becomes: what do you allow to lead you, and how far are you willing to go to move forward in your life?

Introducing the Path of Saturn (2.5) Lord and Master of Time

My work has taken me to some interesting places in my life, and this is no different. Lately, I've seen the need to control what enters my temple. Think about it like this: everything that enters your consciousness asks for your energy and holds power over you. I used to let many things into my consciousness, keeping me powerless and weak. (The people around me, porn, shorts, useless information, the narrative they want to feed us, drugs, alcohol, other occultists with different paths, spiritual imbalance, adultery, pain, worthlessness.) I had to overcome all this, and as a man, there is only so much help you get. Pain has been my biggest friend and fear.

This is Saturn.

This path teaches mastery and the harsh realities of Saturn. To understand Saturn is to understand the material world. Saturn represents limitations, boundaries, restrictions, karma, balance, justice, and the corporeal plane.

How does a relationship with Saturn play out?

Having a strong relationship with Saturn means being disciplined through pain and limitations, doing what it takes to get where your life calling is leading you. It means learning strength each time you are pushed down, getting back up, and moving forward anyway. It’s getting up at 5 am to get a head start, preparing for the worst and refusing to accept it, being motivated by fear and empowered by it. Saturn is the aspect of God seen in the Old Testament: the law, the order, the fear of God. Move forward or die; everything you have can be taken from you if you go out of alignment. The Father (Saturn) and the Son (Sun/Jesus), Kronos and Zeus. This is what Saturn represents.

This tool is a call to mastery, a call to the power of Saturn. It brings one on a path to mastery, forcing them to get serious about their life and to do everything necessary to move forward. It strengthens the mind, emotions, and spirit, and compels one to achieve the life they desire, becoming an expert at their own life and doing all that is necessary.

Contents of This Tool:

Polarity of Project: Balanced in the energies of light and darkness, it won't cause adverse effects, but perceived negative events may occur to facilitate healing and beneficial outcomes for the user.

Subliminals: This project combines all my subliminal work into a more advanced system. The Path of Saturn (2.5) includes about a week of channeled affirmations layered on top of my other work, taking a priority and immediate effect on the subconscious. The subliminal projects are not shared publicly.

System Rules: All things are given infinite power in my projects except for relationships. Only one romantic partner can be manifested; multiple partners will not be effective. Anyone who tries to use my work against me or opposes my desires will be destroyed. Anyone who breaks pacts with me will be destroyed. Stay within these lines, and my system will elevate you infinitely to the heights of power.

Frequencies: Raw planetary frequencies of Saturn and Pluto.

Ritual Work: Channeled energy working with these direct energies.

For Best Results:

Use frequently and consistently until desired results are achieved.


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