Painting a Tomb King - a problem with inspiration

Описание к видео Painting a Tomb King - a problem with inspiration

Trying to paint a Tomb King miniature I run into a reccuring problem when drawing inspiration from artwork in general. In this case it was the card Miasmic Mummy from Magic the Gathering but I often have the same when using an image rather than an actual miniature.
I suppose that is why Games Workshop always have provided plenty of fully painted miniatures as inspiration so that if you struggle there is a ready to roll way to fill out your 40k universe. In the old Mordheim or the Warhammer fantasy books there is always a good portion of painted miniatures which I suppose is to fill this blank when the rest of the pages are grayscale.
Today it all ended in a Tomb King with red shadows instead of blue. It kind of worked but it does not look like the Miasmic Mummy.

0:00 Introduction
0:56 Why a Tomb King
1:56 Plastic tragedy
2:54 Is the mummy yellow?
3:37 The missing piece
5:28 Resulting color theme
6:15 Skeleton anatomy
6:50 Was it successful?
7:53 Conclusion


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