이별의 고통[드라마틱한,슬픈브금]

Описание к видео 이별의 고통[드라마틱한,슬픈브금]

이어폰으로 청음하길 추천드립니다.

Ashes of Memories - Soundtrack by Giovanni Puocci

감상후 댓글은 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다.

After listening to the comments, it gives me a lot of boost.

Image link : https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.p...

ㅇThe purpose of this channel is to listen and introduce the music
that I want to introduce to others.
Both music and images have rights to the original writer. If you have a copyright problem
or want to remove the video, please contact [email protected] or I will remove the viedo directly.
We don't generate profit from these images,
and according to the policy, all the profits go to the original writer.


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