Walking Around Indonesia Museum at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ~ museum antropologi & etnologi @tmii

Описание к видео Walking Around Indonesia Museum at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ~ museum antropologi & etnologi @tmii

Location Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/wNzbXvWBVbNRm9FJ9

#MuseumIndonesia, is an anthropology and ethnology museum located in #TamanMiniIndonesi Indah ( #tmii ), Jakarta, Indonesia. This #museum concentrates on the arts and culture of the various ethnic groups that inhabit the archipelago and form the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. This museum has a Balinese architectural style and is decorated with various fine and beautiful #Balinese carvings and sculptures. This museum holds a collection of various arts, crafts, traditional and contemporary clothing from various regions in Indonesia.

This museum was designed as part of the integrated Taman Mini Indonesia Indah complex. Aims to be a center for information and learning about Indonesian Culture, as a "one stop to learn about Indonesia". The museum and the entire TMII complex were built and then inaugurated in 1975 on the initiative of Mrs. Tien Suharto.

This museum is decorated with various Balinese ornaments and statues and has a very beautiful Balinese architectural style. Several large gates in the #Paduraksa style and #CandiBentar (split gate) typical of Bali, as well as several corner towers adorn the museum complex. The gardens and museum buildings take the theme of the #Ramayana story, for example the bridge leading to the main building is in the form of a #Naga snake and#Wanara, an army of monkeys who build a bridge to #Alengka.

The main building consists of three floors based on the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, a moral concept that emphasizes three aspects that can bring people to true happiness, namely; maintain a harmonious relationship with God, with fellow human beings, and with nature and the surrounding environment.

The permanent exhibition room of the Indonesian Museum exhibits a collection which is divided into three sections, each located on three floors.

First floor
The first floor showroom has the theme of #BhinnekaTunggalIka (Unity in Diversty). This section displays traditional attire and wedding attire from 27 provinces in Indonesia (the number of Indonesian provinces from 1975 to 2000). This exhibition room also displays various Indonesian arts, such as various dances, puppets, and gamelan, as well as glass paintings with maps of Indonesia. This exhibition showcases the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture, which consists of various languages, traditions, religions, cultures, and customs of the Indonesian people.

Second floor
People and Environment is the theme of the showroom on the second floor. Aims to explain the interaction of Indonesian people with nature and the environment. Various miniature houses of traditional houses, religious buildings, rice granaries, and layouts of buildings and living spaces of the Indonesian people were exhibited. For example, houses on stilts, houses built on trees or on rivers, as well as various other traditional buildings.
Dioramas from parts of traditional Indonesian houses were also exhibited, such as the traditional Palembang wedding room, the Javanese living room, and the Batak community kitchen. Various objects of daily use for hunting, gathering food, and agricultural tools were also exhibited. Several dioramas display traditional ceremonies regarding the human life cycle, such as the Mitoni ceremony (nujuh monthly), Turun Tanah (a ceremony for babies), Circumcision, Mapedes (tooth cutting ceremony for Balinese people), Datuk inauguration ceremony, and Minangkabau wedding ceremony.,

Third Floor
Art and Craft is the theme of the third floor showroom. This room showcases the traditional and contemporary arts and crafts of Indonesian society. Traditional cloth crafts such as Songket, Weaving, and Batik are exhibited, as are metal handicrafts such as copper and brass carvings.

The art of wood carving that is very meticulous and complicated is also displayed, such as the carvings of Jepara (Central Java), Bali, Toraja, and Asmat. The main art object on the third floor is a very large wood carving in the shape of Kalpataru, the tree of life. This eight-meter-high and four-meter-wide tree carving symbolizes the universe and contains five basic elements; sky, water, wind, earth and fire. This masterpiece of art closes the exhibition at this museum.




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