
Описание к видео 新东方董事长俞敏洪:俞敏洪的创业之路字幕版-HD高清

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他是CCTV中国经济年度人物,是20世纪影响中国的25位企业家之一。他缔造中国最大、最著名的私立教育机构——新东方学校。他就是新东方董事长俞敏洪,本期节目俞敏洪与您一同分享他的创业之路。俞敏洪毕业于北京大学本科英语专业,1993年创立新东方学校,新东方学校创始人,俞敏洪现任新东方教育科技集团董事长兼总裁,全国青联常委、全国政协委员。被媒体评为最具升值潜力的十大企业新星之一,20世纪影响中国的25位企业家之一。社会兼职有第十一届全国政协委员、民盟中央常委、全国青联常委、北京大学企业家俱乐部理事长、艺术品中国资深商业顾问等。近年来,俞敏洪及其领衔的新东方创业团队已在全国多所高校举行上百场免费励志演讲,被誉为当下中国青年大学生和创业者的"心灵导师"、"精神领袖"。【文化丝绸之路】 He is CCTV China economic annual figure, is twenty century influence China's 25 one of entrepreneurs. He creates one of China's largest and most famous private education institution, the new Oriental school. He is a new Oriental chairman Mr Yu, this program Mr Yu and you share his venture road. Mr Yu graduated from Beijing university undergraduate course English major, new Oriental school was founded in 1993, the founder of new Oriental school, Mr Yu current new Oriental education technology group chairman and President of the national QingLian, standing committee, the national political consultative conference (CPPCC). By the media as the most appreciation potential is one of the top ten enterprise star, the twentieth century has influence China's 25 one of entrepreneurs. Society has a part-time job of the 11th national political consultative conference (CPPCC), China democratic league central standing committee, the standing committee, Beijing university QingLian entrepreneur club chairman, art China senior business consultant and so on. In recent years, Mr Yu and led new Oriental entrepreneurial teams in the country has a lot of universities hold hundreds of field free spirit speech, is known as the China youth university students and entrepreneurial mind teacher "and" spiritual leader ".


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